The illusive comma is a sneaky little punctuation that often sneaks into the wrong places, so I decided to write a guide on how to use a comma in fiction. Hopefully, it will help people understand the correct use of a comma in fiction. Commas have very strict rules, so there is a very clear right and wrong in using them.

Commas in fiction are used as sparingly as possible, but you need to ensure you aren’t creating a grammatical nightmare or a never-ending sentence at the same time. Often, the only commas we can ditch are the Oxford comma and prepositions.

Many new writers will misuse the comma, often using it too frequently. But, there are set rules on using commas. There are guidelines you can follow to ensure your commas are used correctly.

So let’s talk clauses and conjunctions:

That, Who and Which – Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Clauses
A restrictive clause is one that is necessary to identify the word it modifies. A restrictive clause is not offset with commas. A non-restrictive clause is additional information that requires a comma. So, you only use the comma to add additional information in this case.

I went to London with the woman who lives next door. <= Identifies the woman, so it is a restrictive clause (no commas)

I went to London with Janet Smith, who lives next door. <= The clause modified by ‘who’ is additional information, so this is a non-restrictive clause (comma required)

With a restrictive clause, the relative pronoun (usually who or which) can be replaced with “that” or even omitted completely. If you can omit ‘who’ or ‘which’ in fiction, you should. It will remove wordiness and excess words from your prose. Wordiness and excess prose will complicate your sentences and make the book hard to read. A book should be easy to read. Readers should not have to work hard to read a book. That is the point of editing.


The window which you smashed is over two hundred years old. <= Identifies the window, so it is a restrictive clause (no commas)

The window that you smashed is over two hundred years old. <=   There is never a comma before “that” when it is used in this way.

The window you smashed is over two hundred years old. <= This is it without either restrictive or non-restrictive clauses.

These rules over-rule the conjunctions below and are based on the word the clause is modifying.

Commas with Dependent and Independent Clauses
Dependent and independent clauses together only need a comma to separate them eg:

She walked into the room, looking for Grant. Red is the independent clause (or a sentence on its own), blue is the dependent clause that cannot be a sentence on its own.

These can also be joined by a conjunction, instead of the comma. There are two kinds of conjunctions: Subordinate and coordinating conjunctions.

Subordinate Conjunctions with Independent Clauses
She walked into the room while looking for Grant. In this example ‘while’ is the subordinate conjunction. There are many subordinate conjunctions that can be used to join a dependent and independent clause.  You only use a comma with a subordinate conjunction if the dependent clause is at the beginning of the sentence, for example:

While looking for Grant, she walked into the room. The subordinate conjunction is the green ‘while’, the dependent clause (not a sentence on its own) is blue and the independent clause (sentence on its own) is red.

Here is a list of the most common subordinate conjunctions:

  • A after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though
  • B because, before, by the time
  • E even if, even if, even though
  • I if, if only, if when, if then, in order that, in case, inasmuch
  • J just as
  • L lest
  • N now, now since, now that, now when
  • O once, only if
  • P provided, provided that
  • R rather than
  • S since, so that, supposing
  • T than, that, though, till
  • U unless, until
  • W when, whenever, where, whereas, where if, wherever, which, while, who, whoever, why

In this case, the only time we need to use a comma with a subordinate conjunction is when the subordinate conjunction precedes the independent clause.

Subordinate Conjunctions with Two Independent Clauses
A subordinate conjunction can join two independent clauses without using a comma if they are not grammatically alike using: before, after, when, while etc.

Here are some examples:

Anne had a headache when she arrived at her flat. clause + clause
Anne called a taxi before she left her flat.   clause + clause

The difference here is that the two independent clauses are describing different things, they are not similar. You could not (for example) use:

Ann called a taxi when she hailed a cab. <= It makes no sense.

Coordinating Conjunctions
The other kind of conjunction is called a coordinating conjunction. A coordinating conjunction can join a sentence with or without the use of a comma. Here is how to use a coordinating conjunction without a comma:

She walked into the room and looked for Grant. Because this is a dependent clause with an independent clause (a full sentence) there is no need for a comma. The ‘and’ (coordinating conjunction) separates the two, so the comma is not required.

However, you can separate two sentences with a coordinating conjunction too:

She walked into the room, and she looked for Grant. Because both of these are independent clauses (standalone sentences) the ‘and’ joining them needs a comma before it.

Here is a list of coordinating conjunctions. There are only seven: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Prepositions are words like: with, in, upon, save, since… etc. There are many prepositions in the English Language and some may also be conjunctions, so that’s nice and confusing. But, the rules on prepositions are a fuzzy choice. The idea is that you’ll use a comma with one to make a sentence clear. So, sometimes they are necessary to make your sentence make sense. However, in modern fiction the idea is to use as few commas as possible, so ditch the Oxford comma and the preposition commas that you don’t need.

This is commas. The amount depend on the types of conjunctions and clauses you use in your sentences. There isn’t a limit, but it is wise to avoid the Oxford comma in fiction.

Hopefully this helps.

8 thoughts on “The Correct Use of a Comma in Fiction

  1. Hi, I’ve been trying to figure out a seemingly unlisted comma maneuver that a lot of authors I’ve seen use. It’s like a list, It’s something like this, a sentence starts and then there is another comma, a situation is described in this sentence after the second comma, another comma appears and it feels like a list; is this a list?

    Not sure if this question makes sense, but I’ve seen this type of list in many light novels, which are definitely atypical fiction. However, if possible, I’d like to learn to use the comma in a way where a verb can be used without a conjunction or a subordinate clause between the comma and the end of the sentence, i.e, (sorry for the long sentence) a man went to the store, running at his highest tempo (this is a comma splice, right? But I’ve seen novelists do this… Am i totally not understanding something they are doing,… I know it would be a sentence if that running wasn’t a verb… Regardless, if you can help me with this, it would be much appreciated! .

    1. Hi David,

      Sorry for the slow reply. It’s been a bit of a mad few months with the wedding and stuff.

      Okay so first the list:
      “I bought some cheese, eggs, bacon and milk.” <-- You use a comma to separate the list items except for the last one because the conjunction does the separation for you. Since 'milk' is not an independent clause, it doesn't need a comma before the conjunction. If you have a list of independent clauses (standalone sentences), then you would use a comma before the 'and'.

      Second, your example:
      ” a man went to the store, running at his highest tempo” <---- It isn't a comma splice because a comma splice is when two sentences (independent clauses) are joined by a comma. 'running at is highest tempo' is not a sentence. It cannot standalone, Therefore it is a dependent clause with an independent clause. You can separate a dependent clause with a comma, so: 'A man went to the store, running at his highest tempo.' is correct in terms of the comma placement.

      The real key, and what throws many writers, is understanding the differences between independent and dependent clauses. The way to check is: ‘can this clause be a sentence on its own?’ If it can’t, then it is a dependent clause, and therefore the comma rules change. You can never comma splice a dependent clause.

      I hope this helps. 🙂

  2. I am having such a problem. My authors write (ex) “Why didn’t you take the trash out? I told you to do it last night,” she said as she walked away. My question is when to use a comma after she said AS or she said And. Pulling my hair out.

    1. Hi, In your example, you use the comma before the:
      ” she said
      because it is a dialogue tag.

      You do not use a comma before as in any situation because it is a subordinate conjunction.

      So the correct sentence is:
      “Why didn’t you take the trash out? I told you to do it last night,” she said as she walked away.

      I hope this helps 🙂

  3. Thank you for writing this help with commas. I found it informative, and I hope it helps with my writing. (I double checked to see if I needed that comma before the “and”. Since it was two independent clauses, I decided it did need the comma there.)

    1. I’m so glad it helped :). It’s really easy when you start seeing the clauses, which is why I decided to share the information. I wish you many happy chapters ^^.

  4. I shouldn’t have read this! Despite the fact that I’ve learned the interpunction rules in school, I feel very insecure when writing.
    Not that anybody ever made remarks, which means I was either right or the other people didn’t have a clue / didn’t bother!
    So I will continue to write as I always do and put commas where my instinct tells me to.
    Why can’t I use “right click” for spell check etc?

    1. Learning about clauses is the best way to overcome the insecurity about grammar ^^. Once you learn it, you ‘know’ where the comma should go, rather than guessing or having an inkling about it. Like you, I learned to ‘put a comma where you pause’ when I was at school, which is possibly the worst way to teach anyone about commas because it leads to people sticking commas in places that really don’t need them. Once you start seeing sentences as clauses, you can see the elements that make the sentence, so it’s easy to see where the comma should go.

      Can this bit of a sentence be a sentence on its own? Yes, so it’s an independant clause.

      This bit of sentence? No, so it’s a dependant clause.

      The rest is about what you join your clauses with, conjunctions, commas or both. Generally independant clauses need joining by a comma and a conjunction like ‘and’.

      But, unless you’re copy editing or writing for a living, it’s not the end of the world if you stick a comma in the wrong place. That’s when commas can be really difficult:

      “I’m exhausted. I spent all morning putting in a comma and all afternoon taking it out.” ― Oscar Wilde

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