Happy New Year, my fantastic followers! I hope you had a great holiday season.

I thought it was time I made an appearance since I’ve been missing for a year or so now, and you might be wondering when my next book is coming out.

So, I took a time-out in 2018 to focus on selling some of these books I’d written.

And, well… that went about as successfully as you’d expect it would go when an artist tries to sell something to an algorithm in a book store.

If memory serves, it went a little like this….

So anyway after being in support-limbo for most of 2019….

I need to do some fixing and updating for a while. So bear with me while I bring serenity back to the universe. Then I can create some new worlds for you to explore.

I hope this year brings you happiness, health and good guys who actually win this time. xoxo

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