Book Releases – Hacker is Out Now!

The second novel in The Hunted Hearts series has just been released today. Hacker is the second story in the crime romance series about two hackers going head to head for the ultimate prize.

The series has had over 5 million readers worldwide, and the first book in the series won Harlequin and Wattpad’s SYTYCW competition in 2013.

Here is some more information about the book:


Lara Grayson is an unemployed hacktivist living on the shitty side of town, but she has a dream. She wants to work for the tech company Kinder Corp and marry the boss, Jack Kinder. However, her rent is overdue, and the only job opportunity for a girl like her is stacking shelves at the local seven eleven.

When she hacks a senator’s website and receives an invitation to enter the Kinder Awards, she thinks her luck has finally changed, but first she has to kick the world’s best hackers out of the competition.

There’s just one snag. She can’t think straight when she’s around the sexy British hacker Jimmy Carroll, who is her toughest competitor for the prize…

Buy Hacker Now


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