New Paranormal Books

Dark Thoughts is out now!

I’m happy to announce that Dark Thoughts is out now! In honor of the release, the book will be reduced in price from $2.99 to $0.99 for the next five days, starting today. So if you want to read one of my new paranormal books, now is the time to pick it up.

The story is a dark fantasy about demons and cults.  Check out the book below to find out more.

Dark ThoughtsDark Thoughts

Was $2.99

NOW $0.99

She just saw a demon hovering outside her window…

When the past haunts her dreams and people around her start dying, Beth Warner begins to wonder if she really is going insane. But, who wouldn’t go insane if they grew up in a cult and barely escaped with their life?

Living in sheltered housing with a group of angry teens, who are dropping like flies, Beth is horrified when she sees a demon hovering outside of her window each night. Convinced she’s going insane from the memories of her nightmarish past, she does everything she can to ignore it.

After witnessing a gruesome suicide in her building, she fears that she will be next. The only thing in her life that seems real is the annoying bad boy Jake Davidson, but he’s the last person she wants to tell her dark thoughts to.

But when Jake goes missing, she has to revisit the darkness she has avoided for so long and finally face the demons from her past.

Dark Thoughts is a new paranormal book that is currently on available for Epub devices, Kindle and Android:

Links to US Edition:

Links to UK Edition:

I hope you enjoy the story, and if you do, please leave it a review so other readers can find the book too.

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